Alexander Geo Betzenheimer + Emma Syvilla Beatty

5 children
Alvin and Rita, Mary and Jack Betzenheimer
Birth: 1918 29 28 Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Death: August 20, 1983Norwalk, Huron, Ohio, USA
Birth: August 13, 1920 31 31 Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Death: February 28, 1989Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Birth: August 13, 1920 31 31
Death: March 15, 2013Sandusky, Erie, Ohio, USA
Alex, Alvin, John, Emma Betzenheimer
Birth: September 13, 1888 33 33 Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Death: October 24, 1933Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Kelleys Island East Side School 1896
Birth: June 28, 1889 27 24 Ohio, USA
Death: June 15, 1974Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Henry and Trena Beatty
Birth: January 6, 1862 40 39 Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Death: November 23, 1943Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA
Henry and Trena Beatty
Birth: October 12, 1864 39 36 Germany
Death: July 21, 1916Kelleys Island, Erie, Ohio, USA

Facts and events

Sandusky, Ohio, USA
August 7, 1916
Unique identifier
Last change
May 19, 201107:28:42
Author of last change: boomn4x4